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February 1, 2022 | By Yik Fu Lim, Dominic C. Y. Foo and Mike Boon Lee Ooi
Light hydrocarbons in storage tanks can vaporize and vent to t
In the article, Cleaning Your Ageless Iron Classic, you learned the essential steps for properly washing your iron beauty. Now that the tractor has been thoroughly washed, it’s time to evaluate the paint surface and the possible need for cleaner, polish, or wax.
In general, a good co
On 3 September 2020 Chinese smartphone giant Xiaomi prevailed in its opposition against a mark consisting of the Chinese characters for ‘Orange Mi’ and the letters ‘cnmi’:
The case was recently selected as one of the Chinese Trademark Office’s “Exemplary Trademark Opposition
The defunct Portland grain terminal that Castle Tire Recycling uses to ship shredded tires to Asia.
The second cargo ship in two months arrived Sunday at the old Louis Dreyfus grain terminal next to the Steel Bridge and took on a load of shredded tires from Castle Tire Recycling, a Por
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California (United States) – Precision Planetary Gearbox Market research is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts to study the right and valuable information. The data that has been looked upon is done considering the existing top pla
The Global Precision Planetary Gear Reducers Market report offers industry overview including definitions, applications, classifications, and chain structure. The report provides a comprehensive assessment of the studied market, including key trends, historic data, current market scenario, opp
Fall had a vertigo-inducing ending that pushed Becky and Hunter to their limits after they got stuck atop a radio tower out in the middle of nowhere.
The following contains spoilers for Fall, now showing in theaters.
In Fall, Becky (Grace Caroline Currey) and Hunter (Virginia Gardn
Warm, dry weather during the first half of September has allow farmers to make very good harvest progress.
Saskatchewan Agriculture’s weekly crop report says 64 per cent had been combined as of Monday—up from 42 per cent the previous week. This is the harvest progress by region: sout
Bangladesh delegation led by Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal has reached New York to join the UN Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS) to be held at the UN headquarters from August 31 to September 1.
As a top troop and police-providing country, Bangladesh is looking forward to contributi
Farmers of Rangabali upazila of Patuakhali are struggling to save their crops from flooding as most of the sluice gates installed on various rivers and canals remain inoperative due to a lack of maintenance.
According to Water Development Board, in order to protect people's lives and